About Inner Pathways toward Sustainability

Innovative approaches in learning for sustainability

  • How and when does change happen in a human being that begins to live mindfully on the Earth?

  • What is the interplay of inner and outer dimensions of such transformation?

  • Through where leads the inner pathway toward sustainability, and what further external support is needed until this change becomes permanent and manifesting on the level of actions?

These and many other guiding questions are at the core of this project.

Inner Pathways toward Sustainability aims to closely examine concrete methods, theories and practices that involve “Heart, Head and Hands” applications leading to the change towards a sustainable lifestyle.

What is the Inner Pathways toward Sustainability project?

An international learning partnership of seven organisations from Austria, Czechia, Latvia, Hungary, Italy and UK, coordinated by Pandora Association from Hungary. The project runs in all six countries for 27 months, and began in September 2018.

Who is it for?

The project is an international platform for educators, trainers, facilitators of learning for sustainability, community leaders, and people that would like to make a sustainable change in their environment and the world.


What are we doing?

We aim to bridge approaches and practices that are related to human development in the field of personal, societal and natural sustainability. We will explore and collect practices and stories that can enlighten daily actions and human behaviour, so to create a better world both for ourselves and others.

Here you can find the Press Kit (project logos and description).

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Inner Pathways
Innovative approaches in learning for Sustainability
Pandora Association Hungary, Budapest, Sasvár utca 99/c.

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The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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