12 - 21 - 26 NOVEMBER 2020 FROM 20:00 UTC+01-22:00 UTC+01

Inner Resilience for Current Times


Regenerative culture
What if we slowed down? What if we learnt how to be with each other? What if we fell in love with the Earth?
What if we listened to what we deeply care for?
Recognising that our current society lives in a way that is fast-paced, stressful, and alienating, this series of events offers simple practices and inspiration to help us to slow down, and develop more intimate and caring relationships with ourselves, our communities and the Earth.
When we stay grounded and connected, when we better notice what’s going on inside us and around us, we can make wiser choices and take more meaningful actions.
We believe that inner transformation is key to reconnecting with ourselves, our communities and the Earth, so that we can create a more beautiful future for all life.

What will happen?

We invite you to join us for all three or any of the individual events, that will focus on the following three aspects of reconnection:

November 12th

We will focus on our relationship with self, using Labyrinth and Deep Relaxation to return to and restore ourselves.

November 21st

Focusing on deepening our relationship with the Earth, using Contemplation and Creativity to empower ourselves through Nature.

November 26th

Focused on strengthening relationships within our communities, using the Way of Council to listen deeply and touch togetherness.
During each session, we will also tell you a bit more about our Inner Pathways project.

How to attend?

Please sign up through Eventbrite page.

Who is it for?

We invite anyone who is interested in experiencing simple practical tools for resilience, especially facilitators, educators, community leaders, people working in the field of sustainability, activists. We ask you about your organisation in the registration form – please provide the name of the organisation you are affiliated with (if there is one).


About the organiser

These events are organised as a part of the Inner Pathways Toward Sustainability project, a collective of educators from Europe, united by a common vision for a better world in which humanity thrives in harmony with all life. ASHA Centre is one of the project partners.
We believe that inner transformation is key to reconnecting with ourselves, our communities and the Earth, so that we can take meaningful action to create a more beautiful future for all life.
Read our manifesto here.
The sessions are co-facilitated by Inner Pathways team members and participants of the online course ‘Inner Pathways Learning Journey’, who experienced the approach first hand.

About facilitators

Kasia Stepien is a facilitator of learning processes in the fields of social change, peace education and personal transformation. She is a mindfulness practitioner, embodied learning educator and environmentalist, loves all things embodied, dancing in the rain and walking in the woods. Working for ASHA Centre of holistic education in Forest of Dean, UK, currently training in the Inner Transition through nature connection.
Fernanda Paiva is a practicing astrologer, completing the MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, interested in the intersection of spirituality and ecology, currently supporting Inner Pathways toward Sustainability project and working for ASHA Centre for holistic education based in Forest of Dean, UK.
Tabather Bessey is a creative, vegan mother, Kundalini Yoga and Meditation teacher and Shiatsu Practitioner. Her passion is Earth connection and teaching yoga as a regenerative culture. Her intention is to build community, whilst caring for Mama Nature and sharing an embodied practice with a healthy dose of functional philosophy.
Doran Amos spent 15 months learning how to enrich everyday life with mindfulness at Plum Village Zen monastery in France and a year training in Nature-Based Practice at Ecodharma in Spain. He enjoys weaving together contemplative, creative and ceremonial practices to empower people to connect more deeply with themselves, others, and the Earth.
Fausto Llopis is a member of Civic Wise and has been a Community Organiser for Pembroke House Community Centre in London for a number of years, working with the local community to create positive change through grassroots action. He specialises in designing and hosting conversations that matter to people and organisations.
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Inner Pathways
Innovative approaches in learning for Sustainability
Pandora Association Hungary, Budapest, Sasvár utca 99/c.

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