June, 2, 2019

Pašizziņas prakses aktīvu kopienu veidošanai

Dance Studio Extra, Liepaja, Latvia


The association “Green Liberty”, together with the training leaders Ilze Jēče and Santa Krastiņa, has offered a course including a number of community practices and body-based learning methods so that participants are more ready to take care of themselves and others in their own communities.

The guiding questions of the day have been:

How can I take care of my well-being more every day? How can I build and develop my senses to be more aware of what is going on in the World? What are the internal resources that help me find balance with my values and practices? How can I develop the ability to listen, hear and talk about things that matter to me? How can I get involved in joint initiatives and contribute to my community?

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Inner Pathways
Innovative approaches in learning for Sustainability
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