Our Team

We are a group of trainers, facilitators and educators

specialising in non-formal education methods, with diverse backgrounds including activism, community leadership and research, to name just a few.

We represent 7 organisations from 6 European countries. There is a great variety of skill and experience in our team and a richness of theoretical inspirations. What unites us is a common vision for a better world, a sustainable future where humanity can thrive in harmony with all Life.

Paola Bortini

Limina - Austria
In the last 25 years, it has been fascinating to strengthen people and organizations throughout Europe, to support them through liminal phases in learning from and for the future with creativity. Above all at the centre of my methodical approach is mindfulness, the Theory U by Otto Scharmer and his team from the Presencing Institute, "wilderness" nature work and pure essential oils. Born in Italy, I lived and worked in many countries and am currently living in Austria with my family.

Gyula Szabó

Ecoservice - Hungary
In the last ten years he's been working as a green living coach, trainer, council facilitator. He is also a historian and spent many years in the corporate sector as a communication, CSR and brand expert. Based on all these expertise he participated in evolving a new approach - the holistic green living coaching which is necessary for the successful change of lifestyle in consumer society.

Ágnes Berecz

Pandora Association - Hungary
Ági has been working in environmental education since 2004, creating and leading Eco Corner, an innovative environmental educational programme and centre in Pécs, Hungary. Being involved in various non-formal experiential learning programmes internationally, and inspired by the Transition Town Heart and Soul groups, eco psychology, deep ecology and the path of yoga her interest has been shifting from the outer to the inner dimensions of transformation. Since 2016 she is a lecturer on integral ecology at Integral Academy. She lives in a village in Hungary, teaches yoga, studies integral psychology, coordinates the international “Mother Nature” project and above all she is a mother of two young girls.

Helena Kosková

Čia Čekija - Czechia
Helena is a community worker, trainer, therapist, Council facilitator and gardener with passion for journeys, both inner and outer. She loves cooking on fire, swimming in cooling creeks and African dance. Recently she is mainly involved in nature based activities of Natural Spirit and therapeutic practice in Prague, using Pesso Boyden System Psychomotor, a mind-body approach to emotional well-being. She is active as trainer for 15 years, for 12 years she has been member of Czech Youth in Action/Erasmus+ National Agency trainers pool.

Debora T. Stenta

Casa del cuculo - Italy
In her formal education cv you find degrees in Classics and MusicArTherapy. After graduating, she has worked as Project Manager, writer, coordinator and teacher for international cooperation NGOs and other non-profit organizations in the fields of adult training, education, culture, arts. After quitting safe jobs, she has been a dancer/musician/artist and traveller for many years. Motherhood brought a multi-dimensional research on everything concerning childhood: analogical thinking, wilderness, spontaneous and undisturbed processes, unlearning paths, self-led learning, divergent thinking, deconditioning, spirituality, nature. At the moment she serves as doula/birth-keeper, group facilitator, consultant.

Jana Stará

Čia Čekija - Czechia
Jana is a trainer and lecturer and a wellness coach involved in Erasmus+ since 2015. Together with Honza and Helena, she prepared and participated in several training courses. Jana's main interests are personal sustainability and well-being, enhanced by nature based methods and physical movement. She is currently teaching at Masaryk university in Brno, introducing Czech and international students to wellness. She is a certified Wellness Inventory Coach and studied/researched cultural differences of health promotion in US, Turkey and Denmark. This expertise she brings to the project, together with her experiences in experiential reflective learning and non formal education.

Santa Krastina

Zaļā Brīvība - Latvia
Santa has more than 10 years of experience in the NGO sector. Has implemented educational activities for the society on a sustainable, environmentally friendly way of life, encouraging to take responsibility and participate in the improvement of its environment.

Paulina Luzecka

She is passionate about building a sustainable future, by inspiring hope and supporting people to live up to their highest potential, as well as analysing structural problems and developing solutions: she does this through a combination of education, writing and research. She holds a PhD in Environment, Energy and Resilience from the University of Exeter and currently works for the Asha Centre, a holistic education organization based in the Forest of Dean, UK.

Sara Galeotti

Casa del cuculo - Italy
Facilitator, graphic designer and mother. She lives in a shared house with two other families in the beautiful hills of Emilia-Romagna, Italy. She loves drawing, fermenting foods and growing her garden. She co-founded Casa del cuculo, the 4-people-cooperative she works for and has the same name as the house she is living in.

Ilze Jece

Zaļā Brīvība - Latvia
Ilze is experienced in the field of non-formal education, sustainability education and bringing personal development within NGOs and ecological movement. She has been involved in Green Liberty since 2002, yet have extensively traveled and worked for various organizations including International Young Naturefriends, Youth Environment Europe, Federation of Young European Greens, British Council, Asia- Europe foundation and many more. Ilze blends work in education with various embodiment tools of movement and mindfulness that co-create deep experience for participants in order to foster change in their lives and motivate their work for communities.

Krisztina Pásztor

Pandora Association - Hungary
Krisztina is a council facilitator, an Experiential / Outdoor Trainer and Counselor with Wilderness-Adventure Therapy Specialization, a permaculturist and a gardener. She has several years of experience in living in an eco-community, experimenting with ways of communal self-sustainability. She facilitates group processes and is passionate about nature-based transformational experiences and ecopsychology. She has experience in coordinating Erasmus+ projects, has good organising and communication skills, likes administrating and accuracy.

Rob Dreaming

Ecoservice - Hungary
He is an international Facilitator, Mentor and Trainer in Way of Council, 17 years leading council practice, and a SOLB trained wilderness guide, mentored by Gigi Coyle (Ojai Foundation Trainer & author of Way of Council). With over 18 years experience facilitating groups, coaching individuals, designing and running trainings in the areas of consciousness and communication, he is also a poet and has had published 4 children’s books.

Jan Látal

Čia Čekija - Czechia
Trainer, facilitator, ritual designer and nature guide from South Bohemia. Interested in religions, cultures, archaeology, astronomy and experimental music. His speciality is connecting nature, art and spirituality in learning.

Kasia Stepien

Kasia weaves together her passion for embodied practices, nature and communities, inspiring mindful re-connection with self, others and the Earth. She is certified 5Elements Dance Activation facilitator, mindfulness practitioner, explorer and activist. In her work she creates heart-based spaces supporting young people and adults on their journeys to wholeness, based on compassion, authentic expression, self-awareness and play. Currently she is working as freelance facilitator and project manager for ASHA foundation, holistic education centre in Forest of Dean, UK.

Fernanda Paiva

Fernanda is a practicing astrologer with a B.A in History, and is currently working on her dissertation for the MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. She is passionate about nature, psychology, empowering people through the development of self-awareness and writing. Fernanda is also particularly interested in the relationship between spirituality and ecology, and how we could apply it in order to create more balance in the world now.

Peter Hofmann

Limina - Austria
He has worked over the last 15 years for governmental institutions as the European Commission, Council of Europe, UN and national ministries as well as for large non-governmental associations such as WWF, Greenpeace and others. With his company “LIMINA - Learning in Transition” Peter is focusing on change and transition processes. Inspired by the Theory U he has started several years ago to engage in and with mindfulness, especially targeting teachers and parents. Since 2016 Peter is engaging also in Social Presencing Theatre. With his practice group in Vienna they have started to introduce SPT in the local school sector. Peter lives with his family in Vienna.
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Inner Pathways
Innovative approaches in learning for Sustainability
Pandora Association Hungary, Budapest, Sasvár utca 99/c.

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