


Debora T. Stenta

Casa del cuculo - Italy

In her formal education cv you find degrees in Classics and MusicArTherapy.
After graduating, she has worked as Project Manager, writer, coordinator and teacher for international cooperation NGOs and other non-profit organizations in the fields of adult training, education, culture, arts.
After quitting safe jobs, she has been a dancer/musician/artist and traveller for many years.
Motherhood brought a multi-dimensional research on everything concerning childhood: analogical thinking, wilderness, spontaneous and undisturbed processes, unlearning paths, self-led learning, divergent thinking, deconditioning, spirituality, nature.
At the moment she serves as doula/birth-keeper, group facilitator, consultant.

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Inner Pathways
Innovative approaches in learning for Sustainability
Pandora Association Hungary, Budapest, Sasvár utca 99/c.

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