Inner Pathways Study
You can only give what you have
A study on regenerative practices and culture in social and environmental activism.
This Study is the result of a piece of research conducted during the Inner Pathways Online Learning Journey with 30 participants, most of them educators in the field of learning for sustainability.
The learning journey was aimed at supporting participants to explore their inner pathway and make a shift towards a healthy sustainable response to the current state of the world; strengthening their capacity to face it with peace, resilience, creative power and meaningful action.
In the study You can only give what you have, you find a collection of inspiring themes that emerged in the surveys. In the text, you can “hear” the participants’ voices and we hope that it shall serve as an inspiration to your process, whatever stage of the journey you’re in.
The section Results is separated into three main categories: Regenerative Cultures, Regenerative Practices and Actions for the New World. Each category has a myriad of subthemes embedded in it and we invite the reader to explore them in whichever order feels right.
Enjoy the reading.
Take our survey to reflect on your own inner pathway.