Podcast episode #5

Krisztina Pásztor

Sitspot – core routine of deep nature connection

This week practice brought to you by Krisztina Pásztor, is a lovely simple nature connection practice that will guide you to build an intimate relationship with the natural world and the land itself – a great opportunity to find your way to balance and harmony.

The sit spot is a core routine of deep nature connection. It is a practice of adapting to a place on the landscape, getting to know it really well by regularly spending time there, and tuning our senses with the plants, animals and other natural elements. The sit spot is an observation routine. A lot of us had a sit spot as a child, we just didn’t call it that way. A place outside where you returned and just sat quietly and observed nature.

In this podcast, Kriszta will explain to you what the sitspot is, and she will share a few tips about how to try it. Finally, she will guide you for a short practice.

You also have the possibility to download the guided practice (no intro – no explanation – only the practice). You can save it on your phone and take it with you to your sitspot.

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Inner Pathways
Innovative approaches in learning for Sustainability
Pandora Association Hungary, Budapest, Sasvár utca 99/c.

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