
Get your thoughts onto paper and sort them out, later.


Journaling is an automatic writing process that brings your thoughts onto paper without structuring them, so there are no filters. Journaling allows us to see patterns of thoughts and to identify elements that our mind may try to stop.


I use journaling when I am in a reflective mode, after an exercise or after reading something that has put my mind to work. I take a white piece of paper or my notebook and then start putting into words the thoughts that are arising, without structuring them, without filtering and without trying to make sense of it. Actually the writing goes so fast because I try to keep up with the speed of thinking. I do not need to finish the sentences or to take care of punctuation.  The only important thing is to keep the pen on the paper and to keep writing whatever comes to your mind.

Only when the writing is complete, I then read it and start marking the words or sentences that I consider relevant. 

When I use this method in training contexts I usually associate it with questions that are opening up creativity and invite imagination.

Usually, the text is not used for publishing purposes, but as a tool for reflection that may feed and give birth to a more formally written text suitable for publication at a later date.



The time is linked to the number of questions that will guide the journaling. Ensure to have around three minutes per question, not more.


There is a version using up to seventeen questions for diving into the future. So you can extend it as you wish. In this case, ensure to have a maximum of two minutes per question.


it can be done online, without variations.

Possible traps

You can use this tool several times during the day or the same training event, however I will not overuse it. Remember to give time also for individual reading after the writing. Invite not to spend time writing the questions, just the number of the questions and hand out the questions afterwards.

Having a special pencil and a special notebook can make the journaling more “precious”.

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Inner Pathways
Innovative approaches in learning for Sustainability
Pandora Association Hungary, Budapest, Sasvár utca 99/c.

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