Wellness Spin

An activity to support personal reflection and deeper understanding of a specific experience.


The wellness spin gives a chance to perceive a given situation from the “wellness perspective”, or better said from the perspective of all wellness dimensions. It gives a great chance to experience the holistic aspect of a problem or situation.


At the end of one residential training, we created a station with twelve wellness dimensions in a circle. The participants were invited to step into the centre of the circle with a specific question/experience/stressor. While facing one dimension after another, they could reflect on questions : 

1) How XX influences my “breathing”? 

2) How can my “breathing” influence XX? 

Like this, they visit all twelve wellness topics or can stay longer with the few that call their attention and give them deeper answers.



Take a guided Wellness Inventory, where a facilitator reads the questions and times thirty seconds for writing down the very first thoughts that run through participants’ minds.


The group can do a wellness spin about a shared situation or topic and brainstorm their answers together.


Self-assessment can be done individually online or pen/paper.

Possible traps

When offered without a guide, Wellness Inventory is quite an intuitive process and as such requires more-than-beginner participants with a deeper knowledge of the wellness topics and their own introspection. This can be added by a facilitator.

Side-effects may include sweating, euphoria and general awesomeness.

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Inner Pathways
Innovative approaches in learning for Sustainability
Pandora Association Hungary, Budapest, Sasvár utca 99/c.

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