Generous Shop

A physical place to let abundance flow to and from oneself.


Starting from a simple experience of material non-attachment with the donation of a greatly valued object, opens the gate to abundance and in general, openness on a deeper level.


When I first attended a week-long event where a Generous Shop was set up, I saw a long table decorated with a nice cloth, flowers, colourful ornaments and loving words like “Take what serves you” or “Let what you love be loved by somebody else”.

The invitation was to put something on the table I owned of high value, for other people to take. This I did; a deeply loved item to let go of and live a new love story. At the same time I was invited to take freely what I needed from the table.

The table went on for the duration of the event and in that week I saw many things donated and taken.



There can either be a prior invitation before the event starts and before the arrival of the participants to bring a precious item for this purpose; or else, the object can be chosen from among random things that one has carried with themselves without prior notice.


There can be specific moments during the event when all participants gather in a circle to share their feelings and insights about this activity and support each other if there are some emotional issues.


There can either be an online explanation of the activity and then a second session to gather impressions and feedback, or, the donation of precious non-material things can happen via an online session, i.e. offering a talent, a capacity, a skill as a gift.

Possible traps

It can be necessary to support people if the process of giving becomes difficult, if there are strong emotions connected to the object that is offered. It can also happen that people take without really listening to whether they need an item or not. It can be good to underline the importance of taking a little time to breathe and listen whether one really needs an object before choosing. For some people, on the other hand, there might be feelings of guilt or not deserving; this can prevent them from taking. It may be necessary to support that too.

The universe works according to the law of endless giving and receiving ∞

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Inner Pathways
Innovative approaches in learning for Sustainability
Pandora Association Hungary, Budapest, Sasvár utca 99/c.

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