A nature-based intro to wellness dimensions.
Introduction to the wellness dimensions (or any holistic and multidimensional concept you work with) helps participants better understand the context of the learning program or activity, and gives them the chance to reflect on their interconnectedness.
On the first day of a longer residential course, we invite participants for a walk in nature. With the intention to introduce twelve dimensions of wellness (from Wellness Workbook by John W. Travis and Regina S. Ryan), there were twelve stops prepared on our path. On each stop, the trainer briefly introduced the basic principles of each dimension and explained a practical activity or a reflective topic for the walk until the next stop. For example: “Breathe in the rhythm of your own steps. (dimension Breathing)” or, “For your next steps, use the silliest walking style that comes to your mind (dimension Moving – sponsored by the Ministry of Silly Walk).” For our stations, we just used the natural context where the whole group gathered – stone, fallen tree or creek etc. The last station related to dimension Transcendence was located in a cave from where participants walked back to the venue on their own or in couples – having the chance to remember and discuss the twelve dimensions.
A group standing in a circle, after a brief intro to each dimension the group walks around the circle with a reflective question to ponder on.
The stations can also be self-manageable with texts to read and activities and/or reflective questions to experiment with, and as such can be available to participants at any time during a residential training.
A ninety-minute session with theoretical inputs from trainers and several reflection times, group discussions or practical activities.
It requires some deeper understanding of the model introduced, so that the dimensions are smoothly connected to each other. Practical activities are fun, but for the bliss, participants can miss the larger point of view, so it's good to accompany this practical walk with some printed handouts, if knowledge of the model is needed for future work.
“The currency of wellness is Connection” ~ John W. Travis
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