
Arising Emotions

Learning to be able to spot our emotions and to learn from them. More >>

Cosmic News

Daily dose of news from the Solar system to invite a wider framework. More >>


Social practice to be heard and seen, listen and see others and self in the context of an authentic, ancient and modern group process. More >>

Dance With the Unknown

This activity invites people to come from lying down into a standing position in twenty minutes in any way they - more correct: their bodies - want! Engaging in the activity develops embodied presence by aligning body and mind. More >>

Elemental Dance

Movement meditation, guided by music and facilitator. Both contemplative and dynamic practice to connect with body wisdom, inner source of inspiration and balance. More >>

Exploring the Framework of Integral Ecology

Introducing the four quadrants of Integral Ecology More >>

Generous Shop

A physical place to let abundance flow to and from oneself. More >>

Grateful to Have, to Connect, to Be

Practice gratefulness and explore presence More >>

Impact of My Choices

To discover impacts of our every-day choices and our interdependence with the rest of the World. More >>

Interrelational Meditation

To be able to connect to each other and extend individual practice to a communal practice More >>


Get your thoughts onto paper and sort them out, later. More >>

Labyrinth Walk

Building together with the group a labyrinth for individual walks. While walking to the centre of the labyrinth we are also approaching our own inner centre. Works well for introspection, inspiration, meditation or specific ritual. More >>

Mindful Communication

Practices to strengthen capabilities for mindful communication. More >>

Mindful Practices

Practices to support bringing awareness to the present moment. More >>

Mountain Meditation

For recharging batteries and centering. More >>

Opening Sensory Awareness

Opening and activating our senses to become present and to perceive the world, connect to it from a different place More >>


Walk in a landscape with a specific personal or group intention - as a spiritual practice, way of personal development, artistic expression or activism. You can combine all these in education. More >>

Self-compassion Practices

Fostering self-connection, acceptance and compassion while being in a group More >>

Soundscape listening

Discover the link of environmental sound and internal resonance of body and mind. More >>

Stuck exercise

The Stuck exercise is a method in the Social Presencing Theater approach. It invites a person to embody a challenging, problematic situation currently in their life, where they feel stuck - nothing traumatic but with a “Stuck” quality. This is enacted firstly in a body sculpture representing the stuck-situation. In a second step the person initiates from the sculpture and allows a movement to emerge guided by the body (not the mind!) into a second posture that feels less “stuck”. More >>

The Village

This activity is a central method in the Social Presencing Theater approach. It is both simple and profound at the same time. The Village invites a group of people to be together in an open but defined space – “The central square of the village of this group of people”. For twenty minutes the group convenes without a task or an aim, but with a reduced “vocabulary” of actions; standing, sitting, lying, walking, turning, all without speaking. The overall aim is to bring embodied presence to a group, in discovery through the body, of aspects of the invisible, sensorial field in between them. More >>

Threshold Walk

Using the mirror of nature to get a deeper understanding, insights about a question the participant would like to explore. More >>

Wellness Inventory

A tool for self-reflection, to check-in with ourselves on how well we are actually doing. More >>

Wellness Spin

An activity to support personal reflection and deeper understanding of a specific experience. More >>

Wellness Walk

A nature-based intro to wellness dimensions. More >>

Wheel of the Year Celebration

Ritual celebration of the eight seasonal feasts of the annual cycle More >>

Widening Circles

A Work That Reconnects Activity To Experience a Shift In Perspectives More >>

Work That Reconnects

Experiential group work to connect with emotions that arise in response to sustainability challenges and other global crises, building inner resilience, courage and active hope. More >>
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Inner Pathways
Innovative approaches in learning for Sustainability
Pandora Association Hungary, Budapest, Sasvár utca 99/c.

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The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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